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[ Possibility + Tree ]
The world is overflowing
with infinite possibilities.
I plant a succeed tree
with strong roots in there.
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clog service image
[Korean] Trend and insight newsletter service for developers.
clog service image
This is a curation service about the startuop / personal blog for developers.
You can get the trend and insight of the development.
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wordapp image
Word Application
An app optimized for memorization that anyone can easily study every day
wordapp service image
koreanwords logo
TOPIK words
Korean vocabulary
japanesewords logo
Japanese words
Japanese vocabulary
chinesewords logo
HSK words
Chinese vocabulary
blaboo app image
An app that helps your child learn words easily through pictures
blaboo service image
It is an application designed so that children can easily learn words by providing pictures and audio.
Please study words while looking at the pictures with your child.
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Tech blog related to development such as React and React Native
dev-yakuza's blog
Inspire Korea
[Korean] Blogs that share insights from books in everyday life
dev-yakuza's inspire korea
스무디 한 잔 마시며 끝내는 React Native
[Korean] React Native
react native book image
With React Native, you can develop iOS and Android apps at the same time. This book covers learning React Native through a variety of examples, and further covers how to distribute your app to the market.
It also contains contents that can be used in practice, such as how to use Typescript.
스무디 한 잔 마시며 끝내는 리액트 + TDD
[Korean] React + TDD
react tdd book image
You can learn to React with the test code from the book. First, you can learn the basics of React and make a simple app and then learn how to add the test code for it.
Lastly, you can learn TDD that you write the test code first and then write the app code after it.